FIFA must now clean-up their act

Surely it is now time that Sepp Blatter walked away as president of FIFA
Surely it is now time that Sepp Blatter walked away as president of FIFA

The seven arrests of FIFA officials in Zurich yesterday should be the start of the world governing body of football cleaning up its act.

However, the corruption could run that deep within FIFA that it could take a very long time before it will be considered to be a legitimate organisation again.

Allegations and rumours have been rife about the goings on at FIFA for years, but there has never been any proof of wrongdoing. Too many people were making too much money off the back of the beautiful game that nobody wanted to right the wrongs.

As FIFA president Sepp Blatter has to take responsibility for the situation. He has not been arrested, but he is culpable in the whole mess. This has not been the first scandal involving FIFA officials during his reign and it surely has to be time for change. The 79-year-old has apparently welcomed the investigation into the organisation.

Blatter is the favourite to win Friday’s presidential election, which many have called to be cancelled, but surely it is time he was removed as FIFA president whatever happens in the election.

If Blatter was running a major company and there was such a scandal he would have been out of the door by now.

However, FIFA is different and apparently allows a frightening amount of money to go out of the game and into the pocket of greedy officials. Hopefully the latest scandal will help FIFA become a better organisation.

Unfortunately I believe there are too many officials within the organisation who are profiting at the expense of the game and they will probably continue to until there is major change at FIFA.

Should the FIFA presidential election take place on Friday?


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