Sepp Blatter re-elected as FIFA president

Sepp Blatter has been re-elected as FIFA president after an election on Friday
Sepp Blatter has been re-elected as FIFA president after an election on Friday

Sepp Blatter has been elected as president of FIFA for a fifth term, after seeing off the challenge of Jordan’s Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein in Friday’s presidential election.

The 79-year-old has been under-pressure to leave his role as FIFA president following the arrest of seven FIFA officials orchestrated by the US government and carried out in Zurich by the Swiss police.

FIFA is an organisation that has been plagued by rumour and speculation since its inception.

It is almost an open secret that the organisation is corrupt to its core. However, nothing has ever been proven until the recent arrests of FIFA officials.

It seems that the FBI have a host of evidence against the particular officials and other FIFA officials who have agreed to return funds obtained by immoral means.

Blatter refused to cancel Friday’s election, despite the major controversy surrounding the whole organisation. He has also ignored all those calls for him to step-down from his role as head of football’s world governing body.

It seems that major change is needed at FIFA, including a change of leadership. FIFA has struggled to remain legitimate amongst a sea of allegations of kick-backs, bribes and money laundering.

At the moment FIFA is being depicted as an organisation that has more corruption than the mob. The charges that the FIFA officials are being accused of read like a rap-sheet of a career mobster, yet these are supposed respected officials running football.

The best thing that Sepp Blatter could do for FIFA at the moment is leave his newly-won post, because until there is whole-scale change the organisation will never be seen as legitimate.

Should Sepp Blatter have stepped down as FIFA president?


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