Home La Liga Messi and Ronaldo completely different characters

Messi and Ronaldo completely different characters

Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are compared so often, but are completely different characters
Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are compared so often, but are completely different characters

There has been much talk about the differences between the world’s two best players Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi down the years, yet they are always compared by each other’s standards.

This week the talk in Spain was about Barcelona’s Messi handing the ball to teammate Neymar to take a penalty kick when the Argentinian was on a hat-trick in the Catalan’s 8-0 drubbing of Cordoba.

It seemed to confirm what most football fans have known for a long time that Messi is a good team player, no revelation there.

Ronaldo on the other hand was pictured not celebrating a goal from teammate Alvaro Arbeloa in Real Madrid’s 3-0 victory over Almeria on Wednesday and reacting in an angry manner by smashing the ball into the back of the net.

The Portuguese international has since been criticised for the lack of team spirit for his behaviour after Arbeloa’s goal. However, some claim that Ronaldo was just annoyed that he had not scored the goal.

The two incidents seem to have some claiming that Ronaldo is a villain and Messi is a hero, but in truth they have very different characters.

Although the players have different characters, they have both been highly-successful and will be considered two of the greatest players off all-time.

Ronaldo would not have handed over a penalty kick to a teammate in a similar sort of situation, but that is due to his incredible determination and drive to be the best.

Both are great players and neither should be criticised for not behaving like the other, because quite simply they are the two best players in the world and neither can be criticised for their will to win.

Should Ronaldo be criticised for not celebrating a teammate’s goal?


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