Home MLS Is US Soccer serious about heading ban?

Is US Soccer serious about heading ban?

Will heading soon be banned in MLS, after it was ban for the under tens by US Soccer?
Heading is still thriving in the MLs, but will youngsters struggle to head a ball in the future after ban 

I could not believe my eyes when I read that US Soccer were banning players under ten from heading a football.

The governing body of the beautiful game have taken the step after a lawsuit from parents and players from August of last year, which related to poor handling of head and neck injuries.

This decision is completely bizarre. It’s the sort of decision that is taken when people live in a modern society that is full of blame culture and where there is blame there is a claim.

However the law suit was filed for a change in rule, not financial gain. The lawsuit was filed against FIFA, but a judge ruled that the case had no judicial standing.

If the case was about children’s safety then would it not have been a better idea to use softer balls, rather than eliminating one of the core aspects of the game.

Those youngsters are going to have to learn how to head the ball when they step up an age group, which will be strange.

As a parent I know that your child’s safety is of paramount importance, but I will not have a problem with my son heading a ball when he grows old enough to appreciate the game. As a young player I sustained a neck injury playing football while heading a ball.

I was rushed to hospital in an ambulance, but made a full recovery and heading another ball never worried me. My parents never had any questions for about the incident, as heading is part and parcel of the game.

For me US Soccer could have handled this in a better manner, as heading is a big part of football and it would be bizarre for youngsters not to be able to master the task at ten.

Are US Soccer right to ban heading for the under ten age group?


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